Adobe Stock / Radmila Merkulova
Climate-damaging subsidies in transport undermine CO2 pricing
A reward of several hundred euros for a ton of CO2
The Ariadne calculations emphasise that Germany’s current tax system in the transport sector is still dominated by the use of fossil fuels, making it more difficult to achieve the country’s climate targets.
Denis Yevtekhov / Adobe Stock
Mapping variation in institutions for climate policymaking
Effective climate governance through strong climate institutions
In a report, Ariadne researchers offer reform options for German climate institutions in the context of the Klimaschutznovelle.
Antoine Schibler / Unsplash
Political consensus for EU emissions trading for heat and transport
Fair design and economically efficient price
In two recent publications, Ariadne experts have analysed various design options, specifically looking at the carbon pricing and relief options, and identified the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Ashley Batz / Unsplash
Get started despite uncertainties
Cornerstones of an adaptable hydrogen strategy
Experts from six institutes now present key points for an adaptable hydrogen strategy.
Kopernikus project Ariadne
The red thread through the energy transition
Research strategies and politicy instruments for effective climate protection
Näher dran an der Energiewende

Our News

Governance & Institutions

Under scrutiny: How EU diplomacy handled the design and launch of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The European Union’s outreach to third countries during the introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism was rigid and uncoordinated, new Ariadne analysis has found. Researchers investigated how the EU organized its diplomacy to counter trade concerns during the …

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Low Carbon Hydrogen: strategic approach missing in EU’s regulatory framework, but crucial to ensure climate protection

The use of low carbon hydrogen based on non-renewable sources is considered as a transitional solution for the market ramp-up of renewable hydrogen. A new Ariadne paper shows that a strategic approach clarifying the role of non-renewable low carbon …

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Governance & Institutions, Heating transition

Knowing what works: How to improve the evaluation of existing climate protection measures

In order to assess the success or failure of strategies to reduce emissions in the building sector, reliable data, evaluation of all policy programs, good timing of evaluations and their inclusion in political reform processes are necessary – foundations …

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Governance & Institutions

Options for a targeted reform of the European climate and energy Governance Regulation

The European Governance Regulation is the pivotal procedural control element for achieving the EU’s 2030 energy and climate targets. However, since it came into force in 2018, it has been seen as deficient. Ariadne experts now discuss the reform …

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Europe & Green Deal

Conference: Shaping EU climate and energy policy

From climate clubs and the future design of electricity markets to EU Governance, carbon pricing instruments and social compensation – during the latest ‘Ariadne in Brussels’ event that took place from December 5-8, Ariadne researchers gave insight into their …

to Events

Our topics

Wege zur Klimaneutralität

Paths to climate neutrality

Making climate policy work: From individual sectors to a perspective on systems, Ariadne explores options by uniquely combing systemic consistency and sectoral detail.
Gabriele Tirelli / Unsplash
Mobility of the future

Transport transition

Ariadne researches technologies and policy options for the transport transition in Germany, involving citizens from the outset.
Heliberto Arias / Unsplash
Clean and affordable energy supply

Electricity transition

Ariadne develops policy instruments and technologies for the electricity transition, taking citizens’ perspectives and goals into account.
Federico-Beccari / Unsplash
Driving forward the transformation of the heating sector

Heating transition

Ariadne investigates barriers to transforming the buildings heating sector and which economic, regulatory and informational instruments can be used to overcome them.
Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash
Transformation of production processes

Industrial transition

In dialogue with stakeholders, scenario analyses and concrete options for action are developed for a climate-friendly and competitive industry in Germany.
Maxim Tolchinskiy on Unsplash
An energy carrier of the future


From supply potential to costs, from fields of application to uncertainties and risks, from imports to infrastructure, Ariadne provides an overview of the possible role of hydrogen for the energy transition.
Wasserstoff-MolekülPeter Schreiber / Shutterstock
From energy tax to environmental tax

Tax reform

Stabilising the economy while directing investments toward climate protection, Ariadne explores short-term energy tax reforms and long-term restructuring of the tax system for equitable burden-sharing.
StellrWeb on Unsplash
Coordinated and effective policy management


The energy transition needs institutions for effective governance. Ariadne explores climate policy planning and coordination between the political institutions, actors and levels involved.
Moritz Lüdtke / Unsplash
Integration of the German energy transition

Europa & Green Deal

Ariadne informs policy-makers on which instruments should be reviewed and which reforms should be initiated to ensure effective carbon pricing across the EU.
Flagge Europäische UnionChristian Lue / Unsplash
Paths to climate neutrality
Transport transition
Electricity transition
Heating transition
Industrial transition
Tax reform
Flagge Europäische Union
Europa & Green Deal


Analysis: Selling CBAM – Diplomacy for the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The analysis addresses the question of how the EU’s key institutions understood their diplomatic role with regard to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Which EU institutions communicated with third coun-tries? What channels did they use? Who was taking the …

Analysis: Low carbon hydrogen in the European Union – A coherent regulatory framework

Renewable hydrogen is necessary for the decarbonization of sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as industry and aviation, and as a storage medium for surplus electricity from renewable sources. In this context, the following analysis of the EU …

Dossier: Climate-damaging subsidies correspond to negative CO2 prices

The aim of this dossier is to convert the significant level of subsidies in the transport sector into negative CO2 prices; this contributes to the political discourse by categorising the climate policy significance of the subsidies. The implicit negative …

Brief: Making price signals comparable – subsidies as negative CO2 prices

Calculations in a new Ariadne study show that subsidies in the transport sector sometimes correspond to negative CO2 prices of between -€70 and -€690 per tonne of CO2. Germany’s current tax and levy system in the transport sector is …

Background: Governance capacities in reflexive climate policymaking: the scope, role, and institutional arrangements of policy mix evaluation in the German domestic buildings sector

In this research, we are interested in the governance of the building sector and the role of evaluation climate policy making : the government-mandated processes used to evaluate policy in terms of the actors, organisations and ministries involved in …

We are Ariadne


The people behind Ariadne

Katja Treichel-Grass

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

Dr. Sebastian Levi

Hertie School

Markus Blesl

Universität Stuttgart – Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung

Dr. Duncan Edmondson

Hertie School

Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky

Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität e.V.

Julian Hirsch

Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

Matthias Schimmel

Guidehouse Germany

Michael Kalis

Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität e.V.