Adobe Stock / studio v-zwoelf

Under scrutiny: How EU diplomacy handled the design and launch of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The European Union’s outreach to third countries during the introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism was rigid and uncoordinated, new Ariadne analysis has found. Researchers investigated how the EU organized its diplomacy to counter trade concerns during the ...

Foto: Unsplash / Guillaume PerigoisUnsplash / Guillaume Perigois

Low Carbon Hydrogen: strategic approach missing in EU’s regulatory framework, but crucial to ensure climate protection

The use of low carbon hydrogen based on non-renewable sources is considered as a transitional solution for the market ramp-up of renewable hydrogen. A new Ariadne paper shows that a strategic approach clarifying the role of non-renewable low carbon ...


Knowing what works: How to improve the evaluation of existing climate protection measures

In order to assess the success or failure of strategies to reduce emissions in the building sector, reliable data, evaluation of all policy programs, good timing of evaluations and their inclusion in political reform processes are necessary - foundations ...

Arno Senoner / Unsplash

Options for a targeted reform of the European climate and energy Governance Regulation

The European Governance Regulation is the pivotal procedural control element for achieving the EU's 2030 energy and climate targets. However, since it came into force in 2018, it has been seen as deficient. Ariadne experts now discuss the reform ...

Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Conference: Shaping EU climate and energy policy

From climate clubs and the future design of electricity markets to EU Governance, carbon pricing instruments and social compensation – during the latest ‘Ariadne in Brussels’ event that took place from December 5-8, Ariadne researchers gave insight into their ...

Denis Yevtekhov / Adobe Stock

Effective climate governance through strong climate institutions

In a new Ariadne report, researchers from the Hertie School analyse and compare climate institutions in Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Australia. They draw on this analysis to offer reform options for German climate institutions in the context ...

Drew Dau / Unsplash

Climate policy in check – an assessment framework for the design of policy pathways

Germany is not “on track” to meet its climate targets by 2030 and 2045. To comply with the Climate Protection Act, the framework conditions should be designed in such a way that businesses and society change their actions and investment ...

Antoine Schibler / Unsplash

Political consensus for EU emissions trading for heat and transport through fair design and economically efficient price

The extension of emissions trading to the buildings and transport sector (ETS2) is a core element of the European Commission’s Fit for 55 package, which is highly controversial. The aim of the ETS2 is to create incentives for climate-friendly ...

Crissy Jarvis / Unsplash

Make greater use of EU emissions trading to ease the burden on national climate targets

European emissions trading (EU ETS) is a core element of EU climate policy, but the European Commission’s proposed revision of the EU ETS is currently having a tough time in the European Parliament. Last week, a majority of MEPs ...