Media from the Ariadne Citizens’ Liberation
To start working in the focus groups on the topics of “transport transition”, “heating transition” and “distribution effects” at the citizens’ conference in Fulda at the beginning of June 2024, brochures and films were developed to get participants in the mood for the topic, introduce the project researchers and focus on the respective key questions.

Transformation Tracker
To be climate neutral in 2045, the energy system must be transformed at an unprecedented pace. The Ariadne Transformation Tracker shows, at a glance, whether the energy transition in Germany is on track. The tracker follows more than 40 specific key indicators on the path of Ariadne climate neutrality scenarios– from the overall system, to the energy industry and also to the individual sectors like buildings, transport and industry.
Exploration modules
Two citizens’ conferences formed the core of the Ariadne citizens’ deliberation, a year and a half after the project began. The conferences took place along scientifically based future paths and worlds, based on current data and research results from Ariadne project partners. The paths and worlds were assembled as exploration modules for the conference and made available to participants as a digital visualisation app.
Ariadne Pathfinder
To make Germany climate neutral in less than 25 years, the German government needs to get a lot in a very short time. The recently published Ariadne Scenario Report shows a first model comparison around transformation pathways to climate neutrality 2045. The most important results – system-wide, by sector and across different technology approaches – can also be discovered interactively using the virtual Ariadne Pathfinder.
Social Sustainability Barometer
Within the framework, the Social Sustainability Barometer examines the social dimensions of the energy and transport transition processes. An online panel survey of a nationally representative sample of the German population repeated at one-year intervals, initially for three years, identifies attitudes, concerns and assessments of the design and implementation of these transitions. This allows for the monitoring of developments and changes over time, as well as direct references to specific policy measures and social events. In addition, the detailed recording of sociodemographic, psychological and behavioural characteristics of the more than 6,500 citizens surveyed makes it possible to investigate a wide range of sociological contexts.
Learning module: Citizen participation for the electricity transition in Germany
Ariadne develops policy options for shaping the energy transition – from individual sectors to the entire system. From the outset, citizens have been involved in a large-scale deliberation process. The results of the deliberation are incorporated into Ariadne’s research over the entire duration of the project.
A learning module on the electricity transition and sustainable energy supply started the conversation in preparation for the first focus groups.
Learning module: Citizen participation for the transport transition in Germany
Ariadne develops policy options for shaping the energy transition – from individual sectors to the entire system. From the outset, citizens have been involved in a large-scale deliberation process. The results of the deliberation are incorporated into Ariadne’s research throughout the entire duration of the project.
With a learning module on the traffic transition and climate-friendly mobility of tomorrow, the conversation was picked up in preparation for the first focus groups.