Heliberto Arias / Unsplash

Transport transition

Shaping the future mobility in a fair and climate-friendly way

Researching technologies and policy options for the transport transition in Germany

The transport sector is the third largest contributor of CO2 emissions in Germany, following the energy sector and industry. From cars on the road to freight transport on rails, from waterways to national air traffic, the transport sector must also contribute to achieving climate targets. The mobility transition is a necessary component of the transport transition – especially a reduction in car traffic in favour of environmentally friendly transportation modes. At the same time, achieving the climate targets requires a shift of engines, thus turning away from the use of fossil fuels. Both these pillars of the transport transition directly affect the everyday lives of people in Germany. The transport transition will therefore rely on an understanding of how much can be achieved by a shift in motors, and how large the contribution of the mobility transition should be.

For this reason, Ariadne investigates options for sustainable mobility of the future, involving citizens’ voices right from the start. Including traffic participants in the deliberation process, and the systematic model-based impact analysis of policy options, is a novel approach, and the results can help policy-makers prioritise measures for the transport sector according to their emission reduction potential and how well they are supported by society. Among other things, the research focuses on the reduction of CO2 emissions and social distribution effects.

Transport transition |

A reward of several hundred euros for a ton of CO2: Climate-damaging subsidies in transport undermine CO2 pricing

Subsidies in the transport sector, such as the diesel or company car privilege, result in negative CO2 prices of between minus 70 and minus 690 euros per ton of CO2 and weaken the effectiveness of CO2 pricing as an …

to Press releases

Heating transition, Electricity Transition, Transport transition, Hydrogen, Scenarios, Industrial transition |

More new fossil gas heating systems, only tentative progress: energy transition update

Reduced fossil fuel consumption due to the energy crisis, tentative positive signs in the expansion of renewable energy capacities, electric cars and heat pumps – but not fast enough, according to new figures from the Ariadne Transformation Tracker. Moreover, …

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Governance & Institutions, Transport transition |

Climate policy in check – an assessment framework for the design of policy pathways

Germany is not “on track” to meet its climate targets by 2030 and 2045. To comply with the Climate Protection Act, the framework conditions should be designed in such a way that businesses and society change their actions and investment …

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Electricity Transition, Transport transition, Distributive justice |

Have your say, help shape the energy transition: What the Ariadne citizens’ conferences show about the energy transition

From rising energy costs for households to the expansion of local renewable energies, the population is increasingly directly affected by the energy and transportation transition, and they want to get involved and have their say. That is why, as …

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News from the project

Background: Climate policy in check – an assessment framework for the design of policy pathways

In a new Ariadne-Background, researchers from the Hertie School, the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, MCC Berlin and the DLR Institute for Transport Research developed an assessment framework for climate policy paths, using the example of the automotive sector in Germany. This framework enables a discussion between stakeholders in business, politics and research on alternative paths of action.

Have your say, help shape the energy transition: What the Ariadne citizens’ conferences show about the energy transition

From rising energy costs for households to the expansion of local renewable energies, the population is increasingly directly affected by the energy and transportation transition, and they want to get involved and have their say. The most recent citizens’ conferences show that people are both willing and able to discuss complex challenges in a differentiated way, and to negotiate solutions together.