Report: Mapping variation in institutions for climate policymaking – Climate institutions in Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Australia
This report seeks to answer three research questions. First, what are climate institutions and how can we characterise them across countries? Second, what effects do climate institutions have on climate policymaking? Third, based on these findings, what lessons can ...
Executive summary for policymakers: Mapping variation in institutions for climate policymaking – Climate institutions in Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Australia
This report seeks to answer three research questions. First, what are climate institutions and how can we characterise them across countries? Second, what effects do climate institutions have on climate policymaking? Third, in light of these findings, what insights ...
Report: Citizen’s Views of Future Energy Worlds – Results of the Ariadne Citizen’s Conference on Electricity Transition
The Ariadne project is shaping a learning process between science, politics, business and civil society in order to provide a broad knowledge base for decisions on the energy transition. Since the beginning of the project, researchers have been working ...
Report: Views of Citizens on Four Future Pathways of the Transport Transition – Results of the Ariadne Citizens’ Conference on the Transport Transition
The Ariadne Kopernikus project is shaping a learning process between science, politics, business and civil society in order to provide a broad knowledge base for decisions on the energy transition. Since the beginning of the project, researchers have been ...
Report: A Fair and Solidarity-based EU Emissions Trading System for Buildings and Road Transport
The new emissions trading system for buildings and road transport – the socalled ETS2 – proposed as part of the Fit for 55 package is key for decarbonising these two sectors. It will oblige fuel suppliers to obtain emission ...